BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// iCalcreator 2.10.15// METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20160323T180547CDT-5048Ptn94S@ DTSTAMP:20160323T230547Z DESCRIPTION:Annual Meeting and Program\nProgram: Real Estate and Drones: It ’s Not Just Sci-Fi Anymore!\nSpeakers: Chris Kiggins\, Daniel Foard\, Robe rt Jex\nModerator: Obie Young\nAfter a networking happy hour sponsored by Seacoast National Bank\nand a short business meeting\, we will be treated to an exciting interactive\nprogram highlighting the evolving legal and pr actical complexities\nof the use of drones. Drones are becoming increasing ly common in\nour community and are having an impact on how real estate is being\nmarketed\, monitored\, and evaluated. Come learn how drones could have\nan impact on you\, your clients\, and legal practice.\n DTSTART:20150826T173000Z DTEND:20150826T203000Z LOCATION:Winter Park Civic Center (1050 West Morse Boulevard\, Winter Park\ , FL 32789\, USA) SUMMARY:Central Florida - Annual Meeting & Program END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR